Watch this space
This is where you will find everything you need to know about this year’s carnival.

On The Road Again with Wendy Hargreaves: Blackwood
Yesterday (Sunday February 18) Wendy Hargreaves had a good old chat with Grubby about our wee...
Feed the gumboot gobbler
The hungry gobbler bin wants your gumboots. Please drop them in the bin at the school bus stop in...
Help us promote the carnival
The Blackwood Progress Association Woodchop & Easter Carnival is an annual fund-raising event...
Want to be a part of this years carnival?
Want to be a part of this years carnival? VOLUNTEERS We need you help! If you'd like to volunteer...
2024 carnival music program
STOP PRESS: This year's Carnival will feature incredible music throughout the day - with high...
2023 Community Event of the Year
MOORABOOL SHIRE AWARD COMMUNITY EVENT OF THE YEAR: Blackwood Woodchop & Easter Carnival The...
Our Major Sponsors: